Archana Paneru arrest in pokhara
2:52 PMBoard Chairman Rai informed that the Board have not given any permit to a movie which is under the making with an artists who is cl@!ming to become a po**rn star and he adds that the board have given the order to @rre$t them.
And, the directer Giri claims that this is the con$p!racy of Movie Development Board Chairman Raj Kumar Rai as they have been treated too aggr*e$!vely by Police after cu$tody. Directer Giri states that he already have paid the amount of money for the permit of the movie but the related inner people of Movie Development Office along with Chairman Rajkumar Rai have not given any reactions and this is the con$piracy of them.
According to him, Ward Police Office is giving them response that it is a order from upper level. There will be a way of discussion for further way only after the presence of District Police Office High Officer.