Adhikari has a legal career of more than twenty-five years. Before accepting the appointment as Dean of Kathmandu University School of Law Adhikari worked as a constitutional jurisconsult as the owner of Nepal Consulting Lawyers, Inc - a group of legal professionals in Kathmandu, and gave leadership to Nepal Constitution Foundation, which is a foremost not-for-profit think tank in Nepal in the area of constitutional law and public policy analysis, as its chairperson. Adhikari's career in the past has involved assignments with national and international agencies which include United Nations entities like the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the UN peacekeeping missions in Liberia and Timor-Leste. He has also worked as the UNDP-appointed Advisor to the National Human Rights Commission in Nepal for two years. During 1992-94, Adhikari taughAdhikari remains engaged with the constitution building process in Nepal as an independent constitution building specialist. Apart from constitutional law, he also has expertise in the area of institution building, human rights, access to justice, legal reform initiatives, legislative business of parliament and democratization process.t company law and legal research to undergraduates at Tribhuvan University Faculty of Law.